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СИБУПК Английский язык Вариант 11

Вариант 11
1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.
Tourism may be defined as the science, art and business of attracting
and transporting people, accommodating them, and catering to their
needs and wants. Wealthy people have always traveled to distant parts of
the world, to see great buildings, works of art, learn new languages,
experience new cultures and to taste different cuisines.
As an industry, tourism is a dynamic, evolving, consumer-driven
force. It is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. The
World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who «travel to
and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twentyfour hours and not more than one year for leisure, business and other
purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from
within the place visited». Tourism has become a popular global leisure
Tourism is the world’s largest industry, with approximately USD 3.5
trillion in gross output. It is the employer of 183 million people. This
represents 10.2 per cent of the global workforce. By employing one out
of every ten workers, travel and tourism is the world’s largest employer.
As an industry, tourism is expected to grow much faster than other
sectors, about twice as fast as world GNP, especially international travel.
Growing so rapidly, tourism presents both tremendous opportunities and
challenges. Although a mature industry, tourism is a young profession.
The good news is the variety of exciting career prospects for today’s
hospitality and tourism graduates.
In addition to their original expenditures, tourists produce secondary
impacts on local economy. When a tourist spends money to travel, to
stay in a hotel, or to eat in a restaurant, that money is recycled by these
businesses to purchase more goods, thereby generating further use of the
money. In addition, employees of businesses who serve tourists spend a
higher proportion of their money locally on various goods and services.
This chain reaction continues until there is a leakage, meaning that
money is used to purchase something from outside the area. This
phenomenon is called the multiplier effect.
Tourism brings new revenue to the area; it also creates and maintains
higher rate of employment than if there were no tourism. It may act as a
catalyst for the development of the community because this revenue
helps to provide schools, hospitals, and so on.
2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.
a) What is tourism?
b) In what way does The World Tourism Organization define
c) What is the multiplier effect?
d) Why tourism is the world’s largest industry?
e) What kind of effect on local economy is produced by tourists?
3. Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык,
используя лексику текста из задания 1.
a) Туризм сегодня – это мощная мировая индустрия, крупный
бизнес, большие деньги и серьезная политика глобального
b) Значительные изменения в мировой экономике произошли
с развитием массового туризма.
c) В мировой торговле оборот от международного туризма
находится на третьем месте после экспорта нефти и
d) В наши дни туристический рынок стал ареной жестокой
конкурентной борьбы.
e) За последние годы туристическая индустрия пополнилась
сотнями новых фирм, и в дополнение к этому претерпевает
процесс глобализации.
f) В крупных туристических центрах каждые десять туристов
обеспечивают работой двух работников.
g) С развитием общества все большее количество населения
вовлекается в сферу туризма.
h) Уже сегодня каждый девятый человек на планете трудится
в сфере туризма, который обеспечивает создание большого
количества рабочих мест.
i) Туризм оказывает влияние на каждый континент, страну и
j) Ожидается, что туризм станет самой крупной мировой
индустрией следующего столетия.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на
функции инфинитива.
a) The first step to be taken is to start negotiations.
b) The inflation rate was not high enough to start paying
compensations to workers.
c) To go on like this was dangerous.
d) There is nothing to fear of.
e) I would rather not speak upon the subject.
5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на
формы и функции герундия.
a) She stopped coming to see us, and I wondered what had
happened to her.
b) She denied having been at home that evening.
c) He did not approve of her drinking so much coffee.
d) The problem is not worth discussing.
e) I insist on your going there now.
6. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на
формы и функции причастия.
a) You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a
foreign language.
b) A fish taken out of the water cannot live.
c) The man standing at the door of the train carriage and saying
goodbye to his friends is a well-known musician.
d) He stood watching the people who were coming down the street
shouting and waving their hands.
e) This material being a dielectric, no current can flow through it.
7. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на
типы условных предложений.
a) If I had had money last year, I would have bought a car.
b) If I miss the 8 o’clock bus, I am late for work.
c) If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk.
d) If he had known that, he would have decided differently.
e) She would pass her exam next month if she worked harder.

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СИБУПК Английский язык Вариант 11

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