«Организация торговой деятельности» направления 38.03.06 Торговое дело профиль «Коммерция» 1. Стратегическое управление: определение. Модель механизма стратегического управления. 2. Бизнес-план торгового предприятия и его оценка. 3. Материально-техническая база торгового предприятия и оценка ее эффективности. 4. Технология процесса инвестирования в торговом предприятии. 5. Финансовые ресурсы торгового предприятия. Оценка финансового со 18. Виды договоров купли-продажи и их […]
СИБУПК Английский язык Вариант 11
Вариант 11 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. TOURISM BUSINESS AS THE WORLD’S LARGEST INDUSTRY AND EMPLOYER Tourism may be defined as the science, art and business of attracting and transporting people, accommodating them, and catering to their needs and wants. Wealthy people have always traveled to distant parts of the world, to see great […]
СИБУПК Английский язык Вариант 10
Вариант 10 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. 4 WAYS TO PROVIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT OUTSHINES YOUR COMPETITORS So how can you provide customer Service that shines? Follow this plan to ensure customer service that will dazzle customers and competitors alike: 1) Determine what makes what you offer special. Study the competition. Think about their […]
СИБУПК Английский язык Вариант 9
Вариант 9 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. 6 SIMPLE MARKETING STRATEGIES TO INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS Marketing is the most common problem that people running or starting small businesses ask me about. Typically, they say something like, «I’ve placed some ads but they just don’t seem to be doing anything.» – in other words, not […]
СИБУПК Английский язык Вариант 8
Вариант 8 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADVERTISING METHODS Advertising has evolved into a vastly complex form of communication, with literally thousands of different ways for a business to get a message to the consumer. It could be said that cave paintings in some way represented the first forms of advertising, […]
СИБУПК Английский язык вариант 7
Вариант 7 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. 10 WAYS TO GET CUSTOMERS TO BUY NOW You sent out the best direct mail piece you’ve ever seen. Your brochure is so great you framed it and put it next to the pictures of your kids. So why aren’t you getting sales? Take a look at […]
СИБУПК Английский язык вариант 6
Вариант 6 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. NICHE MARKETING: TARGETING THE BEST PROSPECTS Many entrepreneurs think that selling to the widest possible market is the likeliest path to success. They are afraid to pursue a market niche because they fear they’ll lose business by turning away customers. But this ‘take all comers’ approach is […]
СИБУПК Английский язык вариант 5
Вариант 5 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. TAXATION The primary function of taxation is, of course, to raise revenue to finance government expenditure, but taxes can also have other purposes. Indirect excise duties, for example, can be designed to dissuade people from smoking, drinking alcohol, and so on. There is always a lot of […]
СИБУПК Английский язык вариант 4
Вариант 4 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. MARKET STRUCTURE AND COMPETITION When economists talk about market structure they mean the way companies compete with each other in a particular market. Let’s take the market for pizzas, for example. There may be many thousands of small companies all trying to win a share of the […]
СИБУПК Английский язык вариант 3
Вариант 3 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. THE MARKET ECONOMY Have you ever walked through a busy street market? People push their way through crowds of others in order to reach the stalls first. The air is full of deafening shouts. Stall owners yell to advertise their goods. Buyers cry out their orders. It’s […]